Every year many people fall prey to cold. The symptoms found after a person suffering from cold are sore throat, nasal congestion, body ache, fever to name a few. To save time people visit chemist shop to purchase medicines to fight cold. The result obtained after taking those medicines is not satisfactory every time. This is due to adverse effects of few drugs weakening the immune system further. To avoid these unfriendly situations, you should go for natural cold flu remedies that are safer.
The cold flu natural remedies do not fetch you exorbitant budget. You should take natural remedies before suffering from cold. Some remedies work directly upon the immune system of the body and others help to relieve effectively from the symptoms you may suffer.
A cold flu natural treatment includes the combination of using natural ingredients and few processes to yield effective results.
The first step of cold flu remedies is working on your hygiene sense.
You should wash your hands with antibacterial soap whenever needed.
Avoid touching your face with hands throughout the day since the hands are contaminated with germs present in the objects you use.
Use disinfectant to keep your house and work place clean.
Now you can use natural herbs and extracts to fight cold.
Raw Honey with distilled vinegar
Prepare an extract with concoction of raw honey distilled white vinegar in suitable proportion. Take this extract orally 4 times a day during flu season. The vinegar kills the bacteria in the sinus and the thickness of honey pushes them in the stomach. The acid of the stomach kills them.
Garlic is very effective in fighting virus causing cold and flu. It is taken in fresh form as cloves or in food. It is advisable to take during winter or during the presence of cold symptoms.
Feverfew is a natural herb taken as general medicine to fight against cod and flu. You can drink feverfew extract by mixing sugar and honey.
Elderberry contains carotenoids, tannin and flavonoids and other useful ingredients to protect you from cold and flu. It improves the immune system of the body. Therefore, protects you from cold.

Cold Stop is an all natural herbal formula to help the body prevent colds. It supports and strengthens the body's immune capacity. This means less missed work and school. This dietary supplement contains no artificial additives, dyes, preservatives, sugar or salt. Available at Oriental Herb Company www.orientalherb.com.
Ingredients: Vitamin C, Zinc, Ginseng, Forsythia leaves, Bo Hi Mint leaves and other proprietary ingredients.
There are certain natural formulations available in the market, which help you to increase the endurance level of body. These are herbal teas like jasmine, ginger and chamomile have distinctive tastes and offer many benefits for health.
For example
Huang Ti’s Choice -Huang Ti’s Choice that brings vitality and increases endurance level. It keeps blood circulation steady and warms up the body to make you healthy and active.
Endurance Tea- Endurance tea increase endurance levels. You will get permanent result over extended period, building strength due to which you will not get tired quickly. It is nice medicine for long-term vitalization of your body.
Having discussed few tips on cold flu remedies, you can protect yourself against the early onset of cold and flu during winter or any other time of the year based on the discovery of all natural herbal solutions for a cold remedy.
